The five days exhibition continued grab local visitors and international buyers from 51 countries for more than 160.237 visitors. And this year the province of West Sumatra was the host Icon for the 18th INACRAFT performed not only handicrafts products, but also as the icon, West Sumatra or minang culture was everywhere and the atmospehere of musical background and the huge “gonjong” in the main lobby easily attract attention in the entrace gate that the icon was “urang awak” culture and tradition.
Some programmes have been performed daily including the annualy programme to discover new talents and excellence products which showed innovative, unique and marketable to the globalmarket through Inacraft Award, seminar, business forum , product demostration etc. And also ASEPHI has Released a pilot project of the application of Hologram Stiker for Batik with BPC Pekalongan and BPD Central Java and Mr. Romi Oktabirawa, owner of Wirokuto Batik is the spokesman for this project on behalf ASEPHI.
The organizer released the total transaction of INACRAFT 2016 And reached IDR. 129 billion and business contracts on the five day reached USD. 10,7 million and it is higher from its target.
Next year, INACRAFT 2017 will be held at 26-30 Apr 2017 and performe Province of Yogyakarta as Host Icon and hopefully more visitors and craftsmen taking part to and more international buyers will come for business near future.

@newsletters | INACRAFT 2016 Capai Transaksi Rp 129 Milyar & US$ 10,7 Jakarta, 9 Mei 2016 (ASEPHI)
Pameran The 18th Jakarta International Handicraft Trade Fair atau INACRAFT ke-18 tahun 2016 yang berlangsung selama lima hari, 20-24 April 2016 di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) telah sukses meraup transaksi retail sebesar Rp 129,2 milyar dan kontak dagang sebesar US$ 10,7 juta.
Pameran kerajinan terbesar di Asia Tenggara tersebut dibuka oleh Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kala, diikuti 1397 perusahaan yang menampilkan karya kreatif produk kerajinan dari seluruh daerah nusantara. Kali ini, INACRAFT 2016 bertema “From Smart Village to Global Market” menampilkan Propinsi Sumatera Barat sebagai Icon dari Pameran, yang memperagakan seluruh potensi kerajinan yang berasal dari seluruh Kabupaten dan Kota yang ada di Sumatera Barat. Selama lima hari pameran dimeriahkan oleh pertunjukan kesenian dari Sumatera Barat di area Lobby JCC di depan Paviliun Sumatera Barat, yang mengemban misi Sub Tema “The Splendour of Minangkabau”.
Disamping peengusaha dalam negeri, INACRAFT 2016 juga diikuti oleh beberapa stand dari negera sahabat, yaitu Singapore, Jepang, India, Pakistan, Nepal, dan Syria.
Pengunjung yang datang ke Pameran INACRAFT 2016 selama lima hari mencapai 160.237 orang serta pembeli luar negeri sebanyak 957 orang yang berasal dari 51 negara.
Tahun depan INACRAFT 2017 direncanakan akan berlangsung di tempat yang sama tanggal 26 – 30 April 2017, dan Icon Pameran adalah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
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Badan Pengurus Pusat ASEPHI
Jalan Wijaya I / 3 A Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12170
Tel. 62-21-7252032, 33, 63 Fax. 62-21-7252062