{:id}Purity Crafted Pearls: Dari Lombok dengan Cinta{:}{:en}Purity Crafted Pearls: From Lombok with Love{:}

{:id}Born in the heart of pearl bssiness industry in Lombok finally  pursues  Septia Erianty, the owner of ALKHAIR PEARLS,  heading back to her grassroots i.e. pearls business. She becomes special due to  her passion in nature & outdoors sports as her professional career inspires her  design in pearls jewellery. She explores loose pearls into the  finest  combination pearl with  platinum, metal, gold, silver, etc.

Her parents are  well –  known pearls wholesalers in Lombok wouldn’t make  her start her business easily.  Alkhair  concept in Ncep’s hands – people mostly address her by that name- attract attention particularly for those from middle up class in Indonesia.  Her serious target to have number of outlet is not only to keep closer with pearls lovers but Septia has stipulated her objective to educate people about pearl and spread up information that Indonesian pearl is one of best qualified sea pearls  in the world.

Recently in Kuala Lumpur, Septia has  signed two new contracts following her visit in participating in ASEPHI Trade Mission Delegation to Malaysia last month. Soonest 2 new franchise outlets will be opened in Kuala Lumpur.

For one occasion, she has also explained about her aim to go global.  Alkhair  traditional markets export are to   USA and Asia through HongKong. Now she is wondering to reach a new opportunity to seek for  Moscow! or Russian Market. Thus, should you ask for qualified  sea pearls made in Lombok, Alkhair Pearl  is the right place to meet your high end taste of pearls!

Purity Crafted Pearls designed by Septia Erianty{:}{:en}Born in the heart of pearl business industry in Lombok finally  pursues  Septia Erianty, the owner of ALKHAIR PEARLS,  heading back to her grassroots i.e. pearls business. She becomes special due to  her passion in nature & outdoors sports as her professional career inspires her  design in pearls jewellery. She explores loose pearls into the  finest  combination pearl with  platinum, metal, gold, silver, etc.

Her parents are  well –  known pearls wholesalers in Lombok wouldn’t make  her start her business easily.  Alkhair  concept in Ncep’s hands – people mostly address her by that name- attract attention particularly for those from middle up class in Indonesia.  Her serious target to have number of outlet is not only to keep closer with pearls lovers but Septia has stipulated her objective to educate people about pearl and spread up information that Indonesian pearl is one of best qualified sea pearls  in the world.

Recently in Kuala Lumpur, Septia has  signed two new contracts following her visit in participating in ASEPHI Trade Mission Delegation to Malaysia last month. Soonest 2 new franchise outlets will be opened in Kuala Lumpur.

For one occasion, she has also explained about her aim to go global.  Alkhair traditional markets export to   USA, Europe or HongKong, now she wonder to reach a new opportunity to  Moscow! Thus, Should you ask for qualified  sea pearls made in Lombok, Alkhair Pearl  is the right place to meet your high end taste of peals

Purity Crafted Pearls designed by Septia Erianty{:}